At Lucky Egg, we are supercharging entertainment to make the world a happier place.
We make party games and wake up everyday to put smiles on faces 😄
We are a bunch of optimists
You know, the glass half full types 🥛
We're positive even when things don't seem to be going our way... because we keep going until things do go our way
We believe in the ripple effect:
If we can make one person happier, they might pass their happiness onto 10 more people.
If we can make 10 people happier, they might pass their happiness onto 100 more people!
If we can make 1 million people happier, they might pass their happiness onto 10 million people!
We feel like the tortoise at the start of a never ending race... Slow and steady, bit by bit, with continuous improvement we are certain we can make a difference, one smile at a time 😄